Saturday 8 December 2012

A Doctors Excuses Might Be the Reason You Are Fat Or Sick

Well a doctors excuse can save you, as you may furnish it as a reason behind your absence in your office, as sickness is such an doctors excuses that your boss will be compelled to trust you. But to prove your point you need valid certificates, through which your boss maybe fully satisfied and trust you that you are telling a truth. But for that you will require reports and certificates revealing that you have under gone a sudden attack of a disease and require bed rest. The main problem arises in arranging fake reports as any renowned doctor will not easily furnish you such reports and you need to look for such doctors who can help you out to get out of problem.

And if you try to prepare such notes by yourself you may be easily caught, which may irritate your boss and may even lead you to lose your job. Many a times it happen that you are unable to attend the office, and you are not even able to inform in the office that you will be absent doctors excuses. The reason may be that your friends without any information have taken you for an outing or you would be given a surprise party of which even you would not have any prior information, under such circumstances you need to take a break from your office and you are even not able to inform. But your careless attitude may prove to be critical for your professional life as your Boss will not tolerate your careless attitude.

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